PSI is excited to officially announce that Dr. Endale Tilahun has been appointed as the newest Country Representative for PSI Eswatini. Having been at PSI for the last eight years, Dr. Tilahun brings a wealth of two-decades experience and learnings from his work at CDC, FHI360 and MoH to his new role. As PSI’s Country Representative in Eswatini, he leads a team of 190 staff members who support diverse and innovative programs, backed by an annual budget of more than $4 million.
Dr. Tilahun provides leadership across the multiple health areas covered by the Eswatini team, which span integrated community HIV services, like index testing and HIV self-testing, non-communicable diseases and family planning services.
Currently, the Eswatini team is finalizing all preparations to optimize HIV testing through index testing at 27 facilities across two regions as part of the PEPFAR-funded DREAMS (Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-Free and Safe) project. Head over to PSI Eswatini’s site page to learn more about the team’s featured projects that serve priority populations in the country.
See Dr. Endale Tilahun’s full PSI profile and bio here to learn more about his background and the expertise he brings to the Eswatini team.