Nigeria Country Coordinator

John Snow, Inc.

Adewole Adefalu works as the Nigeria Country Coordinator with John Snow, Inc. (JSI) and is a physician with over 18 years of experience working with multi-disciplinary teams for research, project management, health systems and capacity building at the community and national levels. His work includes providing technical assistance related to service delivery, policy, supply chain and coordination. Adewole has helped the government to use data analytics and visualization as leverage for critical program decision making. He supports the Federal Ministry of Health of Nigeria to develop systems for time-limited, near real-time data visualization for national DMPA-SC supply chain and service delivery. His work with colleagues in about eight countries link country-level work to existing global activities in an end-to-end, two-way process of information exchange and learning, integrating country-level planning, introduction, implementation tracking, and eventual integration with global tracking efforts.