For Dr. Mbende, head of the Ngoumou health district in Cameroon, participating in a Unitaid Plus Project-designed person-centered care training impacted his leadership approach: “…in order for providers to deliver quality service, it is also important that they are able to express themselves and that they are reminded of the power of empathy towards caregivers.”
While the project supports Ministries of Health in Benin, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, and Mozambique to deliver PMC alongside routine immunizations and other child health interventions, PMC typically relies on caregivers bringing their children to health facilities to receive the intervention. To better understand barriers to care-seeking and willingness to attend vaccination appointments, the project gathered insights. In all four focus countries, client experience of care and provider interactions were cited by caregivers as a determinant to seeking health services.
As a result, the project designed and implemented training focused on improving communication skills and providing person-centered, empathetic care.
Read more about the design and process of these trainings and how they were received by participating providers in our empathy training learning brief, and hear from our colleague Marie Gaelle Ngo Nyemeck in Cameroon about facilitating trainings and why the providers now affectionately call her “Miss Empathy”: