Six PSI Social Franchise Networks Win Quality Assurance Awards at First Global Social Franchise Conference

WASHINGTON, DC (NOVEMBER 11, 2011) – On Friday, November 11, the Global Health Group at the University of California in San Francisco honored six Population Services International (PSI) and partner social franchise networks in Asia and Africa for their commitment to quality assurance and innovation.

The Global Health Group presented the awards at the First Global Social Franchise Conference, held in Mombasa, Kenya.

Social franchising – using the positive qualities of commercial franchising – replicates a proven business model to strengthen the existing healthcare infrastructure in developing countries. Social franchising enables private providers to offer an integrated package of health services that otherwise might be unavailable, substandard or unaffordable to low-income individuals. Evidence shows that social franchising improves access, quality, equity, and cost-effectiveness of health service delivery.

PSI is the world’s leading social franchiser, with 15 years of experience in the field. PSI’s 16,000 social franchisees deliver integrated health services to 13.5 million clients annually in 22 countries.

Eleven franchise networks received Quality Awards – six of which went to PSI and partner networks:

  1. Tunza Family Health Network in Kenya;
  2. Mahila Swahsta Sewa in Nepal;
  3. Happy Mothers Network in Nigeria, operated by PSI’s partner, Society for Family Health;
  4. Sun Quality Health in Cambodia;
  5. Sun Quality Health in Myanmar; and
  6. ProFam in Uganda, operated by PSI’s affiliate, PACE.

“PSI’s franchise networks work daily to provide quality, affordable health products and services to millions of clients in resource-poor communities,” said Karl Hofmann, President and CEO of PSI. “While these awards an important validation of our dedication to quality, PSI remains committed to a standard of excellence among our franchise networks around the world.”

The winners were selected based on their demonstration of the following components of quality assurance:

  1. Established quality standards
  2. Quality assurance systems and processes
  3. Diligence in implementation, and
  4. Evidence of feedback into the system to encourage improvement

Three of the award-winning franchise networks – Tunza Family Health Network, Mahila Swahsta Sewa and Happy Mothers Network – were also recognized for innovation and prioritization of quality assurance.

The Sun Quality Health Network in Cambodia was highlighted for its rigorous monitoring and supervision program, while Sun Quality Health in Myanmar was commended for its comprehensive quality assurance system in a program that offers integrated services, including HIV and TB treatment. Uganda’s ProFam network was highlighted for its effort toward preventing complications through extensive training programs.

The First Global Social Franchising Conference convened nearly 200 leaders in the community of practice, including franchise managers, directors, donors and government officials, to share experience, research, best practices and lessons learned on the franchising of private providers to support the delivery of health services.

About PSI

PSI is a global non-profit organization dedicated to improving the health of people in the developing world by focusing on serious challenges like HIV/AIDS, malaria, contaminated water and threats to maternal and child health.; Twitter:; Blog: