Miss Universe Dayana Mendoza proudly
supports the work of PASMO while visiting
its offices in Nicaragua.
Miss Universe 2008 Dayana Mendoza is on a mission to find real men. As the newly-appointed spokesperson for the Hombres de Verdad campaign — created by PASMO, PSI’s affiliate in Central Ameirca — Dayana recently traveled to Nicaragua to learn about HIV-prevention efforts in the region. Dayana’s work is part of the Miss Universe Organization’s commitment to raising awareness for the global fight against HIV/AIDS.
Shortly after her arrival in Managua, Miss Universe (who is originally from Venezuela) got to work attending a meeting with key officials at the Nicaragua Commission on AIDS and promoting the campaign to members of the press. Speaking about the nature of her visit, Dayana offered a special message to the men of Nicaragua: “Not all men are the same, but all men can protect themselves [from HIV/AIDS].” Five contest winners — or five Hombres de Verdad — got the chance to have lunch with Dayana where they discussed the changing roles of men in Nicaragua and the impact of those changes on HIV prevention.

A young girl paints Miss Universe’s nails
while hosting her at Quincho Barrilete,
a PASMO-supported program.
Throughout the rest of her time in Nicaragua, Dayana visited those living with HIV/AIDS at the Hospital Roberto Calderón; participated in a prevention activity with female sex workers; and visited two programs for youth — Club en Conexión , which promotes messages of prevention and hope through peer education, and Quincho Barrilete, a PASMO-supported program that works with children and youth (some of whom are victims of abuse) to build technical skills, self-esteem, and knowledge about HIV/AIDS and other STIs. In her most public display of advocacy, Dayana invited members of the press to cover her being tested for HIV at Fundación Xochiquetzal with one of the contest winners (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdM1S5F-7pM). Fundación Xochiquetzal has been in operation since 1991 and reaches Managua’s most vulnerable through the coordination of mobile testing and counseling units.
Dayana said her first trip with PASMO left a lasting impression on her. Her work with PASMO is far from over; she plans to visit El Salvador later this spring to help launch the Hombres de Verdad campaign there.
Based on empirical research conducted by PASMO (Pan-American Social Marketing Organization), the campaign understands that no todos los hombres son iguales (not all men are the same) and attempts to redefine traditional masculinity as it relates to the spread of HIV. Through a simple self-administered quiz, men are placed into one of six categories based on their answers. Community health workers are then able to formulate their communication strategy in order to communicate most effectively to the individual about preventative measures.