Global Health Group Releases Case Study on PSI/Myanmar’s Sun Quality Health Franchise Network

The Global Health Group, of the University of California, San Francisco, released its Clinical Social Franchising Case Study Series on PSI/Myanmar’s Sun Quality Health franchise network. Sun Quality Health (SQH) is a network of private physicians that PSI/Myanmar trains and monitors on reproductive health, tuberculosis, pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

SQH utilizes existing general practitioners to provide high quality health services and products to low-income communities. PSI/Myanmar also developed Sun Primary Health (SPH), a second tier comprised of rural village health workers, to increase the franchise’s geographic coverage through increased rural penetration. In 2009, SQH and SPH together served 1.4 million clients.

As of July 2010, PSI/Myanmar had 1,169 SQH providers in 169 out of Myanmar’s 325 townships, and 1,069 SPH providers in 45 townships. In each health area, PSI/Myanmar provides SQH members with training, patient education materials, promotion, access to products, and supervision and monitoring. In return, the providers commit to service standards and a price structure that offers them small margins but ensures that the services are affordable to even the lowest-income populations.

The case study encompasses qualitative research carried out in Myanmar by Global Health Group researchers in July 2010.

Read the case study about PSI/Myanmar’s two-tiered franchise.