
Keystone Design Framework: Phase 1

unmet health needs
in a market

In order to decide how your organization can most effectively intervene in a market to address a health need, you must assess the present state of the market, identify your target consumers and clarify how you want consumers and other market players to change their behavior related to the health need.

 1. Define the health need. Quantify the gap between the desired health behavior and the total need for the desired health behavior in the country to achieve health outcomes for each demographic segment to determine your priority target segments.

2. Profile the target consumer. Build a deeper understanding of our audience’s needs, attitudes, and behaviors to generate insights around the desired health behavior. Segment your audiences beyond demographics by applying behavioral segmentation approaches.

3. Assess the market. Analyze the key market functions of your market through value chain analysis to identify key constraints and opportunities that must be addressed in order to achieve our health outcomes. This will help you identify where the market is failing across the value chain and the key behavioral barriers for your target segment.

4. Identify high impact constraints and opportunities. Analyze the key market functions of your market through value chain analysis to identify key constraints and opportunities that must be addressed in order to achieve our health outcomes. This will help you identify where the market is failing across the value chain and the key behavioral barriers for your target segment.

To learn more about a specific activity in the Diagnose phase, check out the Activity Guides below. Please note that these activity guides are intended to be used and completed as you go through the Keystone design process. Always start a new Keystone project with the Keystone Manual.

Activity Guides

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