Auteurs : Pierre Moon, Megan Christofield, Dr. Eva Lathrop, et Dr. Ricky Lu
Publié le 30 mars 2020
Cet article, co-rédigé par des représentants de PSIet de Jhpiego,traite d’importantes questions en matière d’auto-prise en charge dans le contexte de la pandémie de COVID-19.
Quel est le contexte ?
Le besoin d’une transformation fondamentale de nos systèmes de santé n’a jamais été aussi évident. Le monde fait déjà face à une pénurie de 13 millions de personnels de santé. Aujourd’hui, dans le contexte de COVID-19, notre dépendance sur des agents de santé surchargés est mise en évidence, exigeant des solutions créatives, urgentes, et difficiles.
On demande aux individus d’éviter les zones sensibles touchées par le COVID-19, comme les hôpitaux et dispensaires, d’utiliser la télémédecine et les permanences médicales téléphoniques là où elles existent, de s’auto-diagnostiquer en utilisant les guides de symptômes, et de s’automédiquer. Les soins préventifs et curatifs se bousculent, tous deux tout aussi importants, tous deux mis au défi d’être dispensés en tandem.
À travers le monde entier, des millions se sont portés volontaires quasiment du jour au lendemain pour soutenir la continuité des services sanitaires, y compris des médecins sortant de la retraite, et d’autres apportant leur expertise et travail non cliniques. Aux niveaux individuel, communautaire, et du système sanitaire, l’on voit une transformation immédiate dans la vision et l’organisation des soins sanitaires.
Pour COVID-19, l’auto-prise en charge exige un ensemble d’interactions soigneusement coordonnées entre personnels de santé et les individus, pour permettre aux individus de prendre un plus grand contrôle sur leurs soins de santé
Avec la progression du COVID-19 de flambée épidémique à épidémie et ensuite pandémie, et la possibilité considérable d’éruptions épisodiques de COVID-19 au cours des prochains 18 mois, l’un des besoins immédiats – et potentiellement une transformation durable du système sanitaire – sera d’apprendre quels services et informations peuvent être fournis avec une moindre de dépendance sur les personnels soignants.
Ces mesures visent à protéger les personnels qui luttent de manière héroïque en première ligne et de s’assurer que les soins sanitaires les plus efficaces puissent être dispensés à grande échelle. Dans ce contexte, l’auto-prise en charge est non seulement une occurrence, mais devient rapidement une solution critique dans la réponse des systèmes de santé à COVID-19.
Qu’est-ce que l’auto-prise en charge ?
Pour les non-initiés, l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) définit l’auto-prise en charge comme « l’habilité des individus, familles, et communautés à promouvoir la santé, prévenir les maladies, maintenir la santé, et gérer les maladies et handicaps, avec ou sans l’interventions d’un prestataire de soins, » et ajoute dans les publications ultérieures que « les interventions d’auto-prise en charge font partie des nouvelles approches les plus prometteuses et enthousiasmantes pour améliorer la santé et le bien-être, à la fois d’une point de vue de systèmes sanitaires et pour ceux qui utilisent ces interventions. »
Figure 1. L’auto-prise en charge dans le contexte des interventions en lien avec les systèmes de santé.
Avant le COVID-19, l’auto-prise en charge était déjà de plus en plus pertinente dans les systèmes sanitaires. Il ne s’agit pas de soins personnels axés sur le bien-être physique et mental en général, bien que l’auto-prise en charge incorpore bien ces considérations importantes et plus larges. Il s’agit d’auto-prise en charge sous forme de drogues médicamenteuses, diagnostiques, dispositifs, et santé digitale, qui – associé à la demande croissante des individus de participer à leurs propres soins sanitaires – a mené à une meilleure configuration de possibilités de soins autodirigés qu’auparavant. Les informations, les produits, et les services, auparavant nécessitant la pleine participation de personnels de santé, ont noté une prise de responsabilité accrue des individus dans leurs propres soins sanitaires. Les exemples de cela sont nombreux sur tout le spectre d’autogestion, auto-dépistage, et auto-conscience (cf. figure 1).
Avant l’épidémie de COVID-19, les systèmes sanitaires ougandais et nigérians œuvraient à mettre en application les lignes directrices de l’OMS sur les interventions d’auto-prise en charge en matière de droits et santé sexuels est reproductives et autres interventions d’auto-prise en charge. Ces lignes directrices spécifiques de l’OMS reconnaissent que de nombreuses pratiques basées sur les preuves au sein du domaine des DSSR pourraient être promues comme améliorant l’auto-prise en charge, et recommandent que des mesures comme l’auto-dépistage du VIH, l’auto-prélèvement vaginal pour la détection des infections cervicales liées au virus du papillome humain (VPH), et l’auto-injection de contraceptifs soient toutes disponibles à grande échelle.
Pourquoi l’auto-prise en charge est-elle importante dans le contexte du COVID-19 ?
Dans le cadre de la réponse au COVID-19, l’auto-prise en charge est notre moyen d’entraide, et ce qui permet à nos systèmes sanitaires de ne pas s’effondrer. Ceci est évident dans nos efforts d’auto-dépistage grâce à des sites Web reposant sur l’intelligence artificielle, où l’on peut vérifier si nos symptômes sont communs au COVID-19, ou encore dans ces alertes WhatsApp de l’OMS, servant à s’auto-éduquer. C’est la promesse de l’auto-dépistage à domicile (très prochainement), et tout ce que nous faisons pour prendre soin de nous-mêmes et de nos foyers lorsque quelqu’un tombe malade.
Cette dépendance soudaine et rapide de l’auto-prise en charge n’est pas comme nous l’imaginions – désordonnée et alimentée par la crise plutôt que par une conception réfléchie des systèmes sanitaires. Il y aura maintenant des individus qui géreront leur santé d’une manière qu’ils ne devraient pas, ne peuvent pas être censés faire seuls. Dans ce désordre, il existe des dangers et des pièges, tels que le fait que le grand public et les médecins achètent et utilisent de la chloroquine et de l’hydroxychloroquine, suite à de récents rapports ayant suggéré qu’elles pourraient être en mesure de traiter le COVID-19, mais sans assez de preuves ni de réflexion sur les conséquences. Les garde-fous (protections financières, soins sûrs et de qualité, soutient adéquat d’un prestataire de santé si nécessaire) n’ont pas été pleinement mis en place.
Mais les crises n’attendent pas que nous soyons prêts, elles révèlent plutôt comment nous aurions pu faire les choses autrement et mieux. Ceci nous amène à un moment transitionnel, où la rapide transformation en cours ne saurait être ignorée. Dans l’optique de la réaction à l’épidémie elle-même, l’auto-prise en charge joue un rôle important. L’auto-prise en charge demeurera également importante pour les nombreux besoins sanitaires qui continuent d’exister en dépit du COVID-19. Et elle jouera un rôle crucial dans les systèmes sanitaires existants, une fois que la pandémie se sera calmée.
À quoi ressemble l’avancement de l’auto-prise en charge ?
L’auto-prise en charge peut signifier des soins sanitaires meilleurs, plus accessibles, participatifs, abordables, et de qualité. Dans le cas de la pilule contraceptive d’urgence ou de l’acétaminophène lorsqu’elle est disponible sans ordonnance, ce type d’auto-prise en charge nécessitera une interaction minimale ou nulle avec un agent de santé. Cependant, pour le COVID-19 et de nombreuses interventions sanitaires, l’auto-prise en charge exige fréquemment un ensemble d’interventions soigneusement articulées entre personnels de santé et individus, pour permettre aux gens de mieux contrôler leurs soins de santé.
Comme mis en évidence également par les lignes directrices de l’OMS, l’auto-prise en charge n’est pas un phénomène binaire de personnels de santé contre soins sanitaires menés par la personne, mais plutôt une dynamique. Par exemple, le test d’auto-dépistage du VIH peut être fait tout seul, mais demande un renvoi vers le système sanitaire pour la vérification des résultats et le traitement, si nécessaire. L’auto-prélèvement vaginal pour la détection du VPH permet aux femmes de faire la collecte de ses spécimens pour le dépistage du cancer du col de l’utérus, et ce avec maitrise et intimité, mais le système sanitaire examinera les résultats et aidera les clients à les interpréter et à agir en conséquence, y compris de suivre un traitement le cas échéant.
L’auto-injection du DMPA-SC et la prophylaxie préexposition par voir orale (PrEP) pour la prévention du VIH peut demander un premier contact avec un pharmacien, un clinicien, ou travailleur de santé non professionnel, mais sont par la suite principalement autonomes dans leur usage – avec un soutien apporté à intervalles pour gérer les potentiels effets indésirables, adapter les régimes, ou encore changer de méthode si nécessaire. La nature de ces interactions varie selon l’intervention, la population, et l’âge.
Que pouvons-nous faire ?
Durant et au-delà de l’épidémie de COVID-19, un système sanitaire ayant optimisé l’auto-prise en charge devrait donc envisager les points suivants :
Il devrait être conçu autour de la continuité des soins, y compris l’auto-prise en charge, en reconnaissant que les liens au système sanitaire resteront souvent les mêmes, et devront être adaptés aux besoins : suffisamment solides pour garantir aux clients des soins de qualité, mais suffisamment flexibles pour éviter que les clients ne soient empêchés d’accéder aux meilleurs soins de santé que l’auto-prise en charge est en mesure de fournir. La continuité peut comprendre l’usage de solutions de santé digitale, comme celles utilisées aujourd’hui pour soutenir les usagers à domicile tout en protégeant les personnels de santé du COVID-19.
En plus de l’approche de continuité des soins, cette auto-prise en charge gardera à l’esprit une approche systématique à la sureté et à la qualité des soins, avec des processus visant à assurer la compétence technique des personnels de santé et des personnes délivrant l’auto-prise en charge, de la sureté et satisfaction des clients, la qualité de l’information et des échanges interpersonnels. Le rôle unique d’informations crédibles et fiables est également crucial, pour répondre aux rumeurs, mythes, prévenir les pratiques dangereuses, et promouvoir les bonnes
Il reconnaitra le rôle des acteurs du système sanitaire dans la promotion et l’avancement de l’auto-conscience – plaçant les personnels de santé et les individus non pas en positions parallèles par rapport à la santé, mais plutôt en partenariat les uns avec les autres. Ceci exige que les personnels de santé adoptent un rôle actif dans la défense de l’apprentissage de la santé, l’auto-conscience, et la promotion de l’auto-prise en charge le cas échéant.
L’auto-prise en charge devra également garder à l’esprit la couverture sanitaire universelle, pour que l’accès, la qualité, et l’équité ne soient pas compromis au milieu de la transformation rapide des systèmes sanitaires dans le cadre de cette pandémie. Particulièrement, le financement de l’auto-prise en charge demandera une discipline aussi complète que l’on applique au financement des systèmes sanitaires existants, justement parce que l’auto-prise en charge est une solution de système sanitaire.
L’auto-prise en charge, permettant aux individus de faire ce qui dépendait autrefois des personnels de la santé, aurait été une partie de l’avenir des soins de santé, indépendamment du COVID-19. Toutefois, afin de pouvoir naviguer la pandémie de COVID-19 et en ressortir avec des systèmes sanitaires et capacités de santé publiques plus robustes – et non pas plus fragmentés – il est de plus en plus important de trouver un équilibre entre auto-prise en charge et ce que l’on attend des personnels de santé et des systèmes sanitaires. Autant que possible, documenter et penser à cette transformation rapide sera également crucial pour tirer des enseignements de cette situation. Et s’il y a une lueur d’espoir dans ces temps difficiles, il s’agit du fait que par la nécessité, l’auto-prise en charge de qualité pourrait devenir mieux organisée, avec des meilleures ressources, et mieux appliquée. Les individus, ensemble, en sont capables.
Au sujet des auteurs
Cet article a été co-rédigé par des représentants de PSI et Jhpiego. Ces deux organisations utilisent rapidement des ressources existantes et émergentes pour répondre à la pandémie de COVID-19, et s’assurent également que la capacité des systèmes sanitaires soit maintenue dans les zones sanitaires critiques. À travers le Self-Care Trailblazer Group, soutenu généreusement par le Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (Royaume Uni) et la Fondation William et Flora Hewlett, PSI et Jhpiego bénéficient tous les deux de la sagesse collective et de l’élan émanant de nombreuses organisations travaillant dans le domaine de l’auto-prise en charge aux niveaux national et mondial, dont FHI 360, PATH, White Ribbon Alliance, IPPF, le Self-Care Academic Research Unit au sein de l’Imperial College London, Johns Hopkins University, SH:24, EngenderHealth, Aidsfonds, Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO), et bien d’autres.
La direction et le soutien technique de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé a également été d’une importance vitale pour renforcer le mouvement émergent pour l’auto-prise en charge, parallèlement au soutien croissant de Bureau pour la population et la santé reproductive de l’USAID, de la Fondation Bill et Melinda Gates et du Département britannique pour le développement international.
Pierre Moon
Pierre Moon travaille chez Population Services International, basé à Washington, D.C., en tant que directeur du projet SIFPO2 financé par USAID qui gère des programmes de prestation de services de USAID dans environ 20 pays. Beaucoup de ces programmes promeuvent les interventions d’auto-prise en charge, de l’auto-injection de DMPA-SC à l’auto-dépistage de VIH. M. Moon aide également à coordonner le Groupe de travail sur les données et les connaissances (anciennement Groupe de travail technique) au sein du Self-Care Trailblazer Group.
Megan Christofield
Megan Christofield est conseillère technique à Jhpiego, où elle apporte un soutien technique aux programmes de planification familiale et joue le rôle de responsable technique principale, auto-prise en charge. Mme Christofield est spécialisée dans l’encadrement d’équipes en matière d’introduction et la mise à échelle de produits, l’usage d’approches de plaidoyer systématiques, et l’application de la démarche inspirée du « Design Thinking ». Elle est une leader d’opinion reconnue dans le mouvement pour l’accès universel à la contraception, elle a été publiée dans la revue scientifique Global Health Science & Pratice et le journal électronique STAT, et a été interviewée dans WIRED.
Eva Lathrop
Dr. Eva Lathrop est la directrice médicale monde à PSI, où elle gère un portefeuille de prestation de services qui couvre plus de 30 pays, ciblant principalement la santé sexuelle et reproductive. Elle a plus de 20 ans d’expérience en soins cliniques, l’enseignement, la recherche, et la pratique de santé reproductive mondiale – y compris dans le contexte d’urgences complexes. Dès 2016-2017, Dr. Lathrop a joué le rôle de direction technique pour l’équipe d’accès contraceptif dans le cadre de la réponse au virus Zika des Centres pour le contrôle et la prévention des maladies (en anglais : Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ou CDC).
Ricky Lu
Dr. Ricky Lu est directeur planification familiale et santé reproductive à Jhpiego, où il a soutenu plus de 30 pays sur trois continents lors des 20 dernières années. Il a de l’expérience dans l’expansion de l’accès aux services de planification familiale de haute qualité, le soutien à la prévention du cancer du col de l’utérus dans les milieux à faibles ressources, l’intégration de la santé du sein et des soins maternels et néonataux. Dr. Lu pilote les efforts de Jhpiego pour défendre et mettre en œuvre les approches basées sur les preuves à la planification familiale post-partum, l’auto-prise en charge basée et poussée par les clients, et les technologies intelligentes pour améliorer la performance des prestataires et la mobilisation des clients.
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Other Ways to Give
Qualified Charitable Distributions
A qualified charitable distribution is a direct transfer from your IRA to a certified non-profit organization (like PSI). It counts toward your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year, and, unlike regular withdrawals from your IRA, it is not considered taxable income. To set up a qualified charitable distribution to PSI, talk to your IRA account manager.
If you want to make a donation to PSI but don’t know if a QCD or other type of gift is right for you, you can reach us at 202-270-4510 or at [email protected].
Governments in LMICs that have opted for a pathway toward UHC involving health insurance are implementing various measures to increase health insurance coverage. However, these efforts do not automatically translate into high uptake of health insurance or, among those enrolled, into increased utilization of services, as several barriers may still prevent individuals from enrolling or from utilizing the available services provided under insurance schemes. How can governments navigate the complexities of health insurance to accelerate uptake in LMICs?
Building Resilient, Consumer-Powered Health Systems
PSI’s Health Systems Accelerator is built on 50+ years of experience collecting and elevating consumer and health system insights, scaling innovations and partnering with government and private sector actors to shape stronger, more integrated health systems that work for consumers. Learn more here.
In the absence of a trusted and dedicated Primary Healthcare (PHC) provider, individuals often spend valuable time and resources navigating through a multitude of health facilities, visiting various providers in search of the right place to address their health concerns. Challenges navigating the health system can result in delays in assessment, diagnosis, and treatment, potentially leading to poor quality of care and adverse health outcomes. One promising solution is the digital locator, which can enable healthcare consumers to promptly find high quality, affordable health products and services when they need them. What are current applications of digital locator tools? How can they be improved? What are the challenges faced in utilizing these tools?
In the ever-evolving health landscape, a robust health management information system (HMIS) stands as a cornerstone of a strong health system. It not only guides decision-making and resource allocation but also shapes the well-being of individuals and communities. However, despite technological advancements that have revolutionized data collection, analytics, and visualization, health systems in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) continue to grapple with a fundamental challenge: fragmented data and limited effective data use for decision-making. What are some promising solutions?
In this video, Wycliffe Waweru, Head of Digital Health & Monitoring at Population Services International outlines three barriers to the use of data for decision-making in health in low- and middle-income countries. For each barrier, Wycliffe proposes some concrete solutions that can help overcome it.
In this video, Dominic Montagu, Professor Emeritus at the University of California, San Francisco, and CEO of Metrics for Management outlines the three levels of data from private healthcare providers in low- and middle-income countries that need to be sequentially integrated into a country’s health information system to assure that governments can manage the overall health system more effectively.
Join us in this illuminating session as we explore the evolution of the STAR self-testing project, sharing insights, challenges, and successes that have emerged over the years. By examining the lessons learned and considering the implications for future healthcare strategies, we hope to foster a deeper understanding of the transformative potential of self-testing in improving healthcare accessibility and patient-centric services.
This enlightening session promises to provide updates from WHO guidelines and share insights on the journey toward viral hepatitis elimination. It will also showcase outcomes from the STAR hepatitis C self-testing research and discuss how these findings could potentially inform hepatitis B antigen self-testing and the use of multiplex test kits in thecontext of triple elimination. Join us in this crucial discussion as we work together to fast-track the global journey toward a hepatitis-free world by 2030.
In this two-part session, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, PSI, and Population Solutions for Health will share lessons and best practices from rigorous research andhands-on implementation experience in Zimbabwe. The session will cover important topics like client-centered, community-led demand creation, differentiated service delivery, sustainable financing, and digital solutions. The sessions will also cover lessons in the program.
In this session, PSI and PSH will share lessons for optimizing access to comprehensive, culturally sensitive HIV and sexual and reproductive health services. Topics will include enhancing the accuracy and reliability of sex worker population data, improving HIV case finding among men who have sex with men (MSM) through reverse index case testing, and scaling differentiated service delivery models. The session will also cover integrating mental health and substance abuse in key populations (KP) programming and lessons in public sector strengthening.
Additionally, the session will showcase solutions that MSMs have co-designed, highlighting how this collaboration has improved the consumer care experience. It will demonstrate the critical role of KP communities in establishing strong and sustainable HIV responses, including amplifying KP voices, strengthening community-led demand, and establishing safe spaces at national and subnational levels for KP communities to shape and lead the HIV response.
This enlightening session promises to provide updates from WHO guidelines and share insights on the journey toward viral hepatitis elimination. It will also showcase outcomes from the STAR hepatitis C self-testing research and discuss how these findings could potentially inform hepatitis B antigen self-testing and the use of multiplex test kits in the context of triple elimination. Join us in this crucial discussion as we work together to fast-track the global journey toward a hepatitis-free world by 2030.
In this two-part session, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, PSI, and PSH will share lessons and best practices from rigorous research and hands-on implementation experience in Zimbabwe. The session will cover important topics like client-centered, community-led demand creation, differentiated service delivery, sustainable financing, and digital solutions. The sessions will also cover lessons in program management. These insights are applicable beyond Zimbabwe and can be used to scale up HIV prevention efforts in the region.
Scaling Digital Solutions for Disease Surveillance
Strong surveillance systems are essential to detect and respond to infectious disease outbreaks. Since 2019, PSI has worked alongside the Ministries of Health in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam to strengthen disease surveillance systems and response. Learn more here.
Misinformation and Vaccine Hesitancy
As COVID-19 spread globally, so did misinformation about countering the pandemic. In response, PSI partnered with Meta to inspire 160 million people to choose COVID-19 preventative behaviors and promote vaccine uptake. Watch the video to learn how.
The Frontline of Epidemic Preparedness and Response
Early warning of possible outbreaks, and swift containment actions, are key to preventing epidemics: disease surveillance, investigation and response need to be embedded within the communities.Public Health Emergency Operations Centers (PHEOCs) are designed to monitor public health events, define policies, standards and operating procedures, and build capacity for disease surveillance and response. Learn more here.
Private sector pharmacies and drug shops play an important role in improving access to essential health services and products for millions of people living in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where healthcare resources are often limited. However, the way in which these outlets are, or are not, integrated into health systems holds significant importance. Do they serve as facilitators of affordable, high-quality care? Or have they become sources of substandard health services and products?
For over 50 years, PSI’s social businesses have worked globally to generate demand, design health solutions with our consumers, and work with local partners to bring quality and affordable healthcare products and services to the market. Now consolidating under VIYA, PSI’s first sexual health and wellness brand and social business, our portfolio represents the evolution from traditionally donor–funded projects towards a stronger focus on sustainability for health impact over the longterm. Across 26 countries, the VIYA model takes a locally rooted, globally connected approach. We have local staff, partners and providers with a deep understanding of the markets we work in. In 2022, we partnered with over 47,000 pharmacies and 10,000 providers to reach 11 million consumers with products and services, delivering 137 million products. VIYA delivers lasting health impact across the reproductive health continuum, from menstruation to menopause. Consumer insights drive our work from start to finish. Their voices, from product exploration to design, launch, and sales, ensure that products not only meet consumers’ needs but exceed their expectations. The consumer is our CEO.
In 2019, our human-centered design work in East Africa explored ways that our work could support and accompany young women as they navigate the various choices required for a healthy, enjoyable sexual and reproductive life. Harnessing insights from consumers, VIYA is revolutionizing women’s health by addressing the confusion, stigma, and unreliability surrounding sexual wellness. Across five markets – Guatemala, Kenya, South Africa, Uganda and Pakistan – VIYA utilizes technology to provide women with convenient, discreet, and enjoyable tools for making informed choices about their bodies. The platform offers a wealth of high-quality sexual wellness information, covering topics from periods to pleasure in an accessible and relatable manner. Additionally, VIYA fosters a supportive community where users can share experiences and receive guidance from counselors. In 2023, VIYA will begin offering a diverse range of sexual wellness products and connect users with trusted healthcare providers, ensuring comprehensive care tailored to individual needs.
Digitalizing contraceptive counseling to reach rural women and girls in Ethiopia
By: Fana Abay, Marketing and Communications Director, PSI Ethiopia
In rural Ethiopia, women and girls often face significant barriers in accessing healthcare facilities, which can be located hours away. Moreover, there is a prevailing stigma surrounding the use of contraception, with concerns about potential infertility or the perception of promiscuity. To address these challenges, the Smart Start initiative has emerged, linking financial well-being with family planning through clear and relatable messaging that addresses the immediate needs of young couples—planning for the lives and families they envision. Smart Start takes a community-based approach, utilizing a network of dedicated Navigators who engage with women in their localities. These Navigators provide counseling and refer interested clients to Health Extension Workers or healthcare providers within Marie Stopes International-operated clinics for comprehensive contraceptive counseling and services.
In a significant development, PSI Ethiopia has digitized the proven counseling messaging of Smart Start, expanding its reach to more adolescent girls, young women, and couples. This approach aligns with the priorities set by the Ethiopian Ministry of Health (MOH) and is made possible through funding from Global Affairs Canada. The interactive and engaging digital messaging has revolutionized counseling services, enabling clients to make informed and confident decisions regarding both their finances and contraceptive choices.
Clients who received counseling with the digital Smart Start tool reported a higher understanding of their options and were more likely to choose contraception (74 percent) compared to those counseled with the manual version of Smart Start (64 percent). Navigators also found the digital tool more effective in connecting with clients, leading to higher ratings for the quality of their counseling.
By December 2023, PSI Ethiopia, working in close collaboration with the MOH, aims to reach over 50 thousand new clients by leveraging the digital counseling tool offered by Smart Start. This innovative approach allows for greater accessibility and effectiveness in providing sexual and reproductive health services, contributing to improved reproductive health outcomes for women and couples across the country.
Building community health worker capacity to deliver malaria care
By: Christopher Lourenço, Deputy Director, Malaria, PSI Global
Community health workers (CHWs) are critical lifelines in their communities. Ensuring they have the training, support, and equipment they need is essential to keep their communities safe from malaria, especially in the hardest to reach contexts.
For example, in Mali, access to formal health services remains challenging, with four in ten people living several miles from the nearest health center, all without reliable transportation or access. In 2009, the Ministry of Health adopted a community health strategy to reach this population. The U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) Impact Malaria project, funded by USAID and led by PSI, supports the Ministry with CHW training and supervision to localize health services.
In 2022, 328 thousand malaria cases were recorded by CHWs); 6.5 thousand severe malaria cases were referred to health centers, according to the national health information system.
During that time, the PMI Impact Malaria project (IM) designed and supported two rounds of supportive supervision of 123 CHWs in their workplaces in the IM-supported regions of Kayes and Koulikoro. This included developing and digitizing a standardized supervision checklist; and developing a methodology for selecting which CHWs to visit. Once a long list of CHW sites had been determined as accessible to supervisors for a day trip (including security reasons), the supervisors telephoned the CHWs to check when they would be available to receive a visit [as being a CHW is not a full-time job, and certain times of the year they are busy with agricultural work (planting, harvesting) or supporting health campaigns like mosquito net distribution].
Supervisors directly observed how CHWs performed malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) and administered artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT). They recorded CHW performance using the digitized checklist, interviewed community members, reviewed records, and provided on-the-spot coaching. They also interviewed the CHWs and tried to resolve challenges they expressed, including with resupply of commodities or equipment immediately or soon afterwards.
Beyond the observed interactions with patients, supervisors heard from community members that they were pleased that CHWs were able to provide essential malaria services in the community. And the data shows the impact.
In IM-supported areas of Mali, 36% of CHWs in the first round were competent in performing the RDT, which rose to 53% in the second. 24% of CHWs in the first round compared to 38% in the second were competent in the treatment of fever cases and pre-referral counseling. Between both rounds, availability of ACT increased from 80 percent to 90 percent.
Supportive supervision with interviews and observations at sites improved the basic competencies of CHWs between the first and second rounds, and additional rounds will help to understand the longer-term programmatic benefits.
Taking a market-based approach to scale sanitation in Ethiopia
By: Dr. Dorothy Balaba, Country Representative, PSI Ethiopia
In Ethiopia, PSI leads the implementation of USAID Transform WASH (T/WASH) activity with consortium partners, SNV and IRC WASH. Contrary to traditional models that rely on distribution of free or heavily subsidized sanitation products, T/WASH utilizes a market-based sanitation approach. This approach creates sustainable and affordable solutions, by integrating market forces and supporting businesses to grow, while creating demand at the household level.
During the last six years, T/WASH has worked alongside the private sector and government (Ethiopia’s Ministry of Health, Ministry of Water and Energy, and Ministry of Labor and Skills), among other stakeholders, to increase household access to affordable, quality sanitation products and services. For example, more than 158 thousand households have invested in upgraded sanitation solutions with rapid expansion to come as the initiative scales and market growth accelerates.
T/WASH has successfully trained more than 500 small businesses, including community masons and other construction-related enterprises, with technical know-how in sanitation product installation, operational capacities, and marketing and sales skills needed to run successful, growing businesses. The Ethiopian government is now scaling the approach to all districts through various national, regional, and local institutions with requisite expertise. T/WASH has also worked the One WASH National Program, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Water and Energy, and Ministry of Labor and Skills to examine policies that influence increased household uptake of basic WASH services, such as targeted sanitation subsidies, tax reduction to increase affordability, and increased access to loan capital for business seeking to expand and households needing help to improve their facilities.
To share the journey to market-based sanitation, representatives of the Ethiopian Ministry of Health and the USAID Transform WASH team took to the stage at the UN Water Conference in 2023.
“Rather than relying on traditional aid models that often distribute free or heavily subsidized sanitation products, market-based sanitation creates sustainable and affordable solutions, integrating market forces and supporting businesses to grow.”
— Michael Negash, Deputy Chief Party of T/WASH
Promoting self-managed care like Self-testing and Self-Sampling
By: Dr Karin Hatzold, Associate Director HIV/TB/Hepatitis
Building upon the success and insights gained from our work with HIV self-testing (HIVST), PSI is actively applying this approach to better integrate self-care, more broadly, in the health system beginning with Hepatitis C and COVID-19. Self-testing has emerged as a powerful tool to increase access to integrated, differentiated, and decentralized health services, accelerating prevention, care, and treatment for various diseases, while also increasing health system resilience against COVID-19.
Here’s how we got there.
Seven years ago, the landscape of HIV self-testing lacked global guidelines, and only the U.S., the UK and France had policies in place that allowed for HIV self-testing. High disease burdened countries in low-and-middle-income-countries (LMICs) lacked evidence and guidance for HIVST despite major gaps in HIV diagnosis.
However, through the groundbreaking research from the Unitaid-funded HIV Self-Testing Africa (STAR) initiative led by PSI, we demonstrated that HIVST is not only safe and acceptable but also cost-effective for reaching populations at high risk with limited access to conventional HIV testing. This research played a pivotal role in informing the normative guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO) and shaping policies at the country level. As a result, more than 108 countries globally now have reported HIVST policies, with an increasing number of countries implementing and scaling up HIVST to complement and partially replace conventional testing services. This became especially significant as nations tried to sustain HIV services amidst the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
By leveraging our expertise, PSI is conducting research to identify specific areas and populations where the adoption of Hepatitis C and COVID-19 self-testing could significantly enhance testing uptake and coverage. This research serves as the foundation for developing targeted strategies and interventions to expand access to self-testing, ensure that individuals have convenient and timely options for testing for these diseases, and are linked to care, treatment and prevention services through differentiated test and treat approaches.
Using peer coaches to counter HIV stigma in South Africa
By: Shawn Malone, Project Director, HIV/AIDS Gates Project in South Africa, PSI Global
In South Africa, where the HIV response has lagged in reaching men, PSI’s Coach Mpilo model has transformed the role of an HIV counselor or case manager into that of a coach and mentor who provides empathetic guidance and support based on his own experience of living with HIV. Coaches are men who are not just stable on treatment but also living proudly and openly with HIV. Situated within the community and collaborating closely with clinic staff, they identify and connect with men struggling with barriers to treatment and support them in overcoming those barriers, whether that means navigating the clinic or disclosing their HIV status to their loved ones.
PSI and Matchboxology first piloted the model in 2020 with implementing partners BroadReach Healthcare and Right to Care as well as the Department of Health in three districts of South Africa. Since then, the model has been rolled out by eight implementing partners in South Africa, employing more than 300 coaches and reaching tens of thousands of men living with HIV. To date, the model has linked 98 percent of clients to care and retained 94 percent of them, in sharp contrast to the estimated 70 percent of men with HIV in South Africa who are currently on treatment.
Given the success of the program, South Africa’s Department of Health and the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) have each embraced the Coach Mpilo model in their health strategy and are embedding it in their strategies and programs.
“The men we spoke to [while I was traveling to South Africa for a PrEP project with Maverick Collective by PSI] were not only decidedly open to the idea of taking a daily pill…many were willing to spread the word and encourage friends to get on PrEP too. We were able to uncover and support this new way forward because we had flexible funding to focus on truly understanding the community and the root barriers to PrEP adoption. This is the philanthropic funding model we need to effectively fight the HIV epidemic, and it’s beneficial for all sorts of social challenges.”
– Anu Khosla, Member, Maverick Collective by PSI
simplifying consumers’ journey to care in Vietnam
By: Hoa Nguyen, Country Director, PSI Vietnam
In late 2022, with funding from the Patrick J. McGovern Foundation, PSI and Babylon partnered to pilot AIOI in Vietnam. By combining Babylon’s AI symptom checker with PSI’s health provider locator tool, this digital health solution analyzes symptoms, recommends the appropriate level of care, and points them to health providers in their local area. The main goal is to support people in low-income communities to make informed decisions about their health and efficiently navigate the healthcare system, while reducing the burden on the healthcare workforce. The free 24/7 service saves people time and subsequent loss of income from taking time off work and from having to pay unnecessary out-of-pocket expenses. Under our global partnership with Meta, PSI launched a digital campaign to put this innovative product in the hands of people in Vietnam. By the end of June 2023 (in the nine months since product launch), 210 thousand people accessed the AIOI platform; 2.4 thousand people created personal accounts on the AIOI website, 4.8 thousand triages to Symptom Checker and linked 2.2 thousand people to health facilities.
Babylon’s AI symptom checker and PSI’s health provider locator tool captures real-time, quality data that supports health systems to plan, monitor and respond to consumer and provider needs. But for this data to be effective and useable, it needs to be available across the health system. Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) standard provides a common, open standard that enables this data exchange. PSI’s first consumer-facing implementation of FHIR was launched in September 2022 as part of the Babylon Symptom Checker project in Vietnam, enabling rapid alignment between PSI and Babylon’s FHIR-enabled client records systems. PSI already has several other consumer health FHIR implementations under active development in 2023, including PSI’s collaboration with the Kenya MOH to launch a FHIR-enabled WhatsApp national health line for COVID-19 health information. PSI will also look to adopt and scale health workforce-facing FHIR-enabled tools, such as OpenSRP2, which will be piloted in an SRH-HIV prevention project in eSwatini in partnership with Ona by the end of 2023.
— Martin Dale, Director, Digital Health and Monitoring, PSI
Engaging the private sector for disease surveillance in Myanmar
By: Dr. Zayar Kyaw, Head of Health Security & Innovation, PSI Myanmar
Under a three-year investment from the Indo-Pacific Center for Health Security under Australia’s Department for Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), PSI is enhancing disease outbreak surveillance and public health emergency preparedness and response capacities in Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. When PSI conducted a review of existing disease surveillance systems in Myanmar, it identified several gaps: although the Ministry of Health had systems in place for HIV, tuberculosis, malaria and other communicable diseases, they were fragmented, with different reporting formats and reliance on paper-based reporting. In addition, private sector case surveillance data were not routinely captured, yet private clinics and pharmacies are the dominant health service delivery channel in the country. This hindered effective disease prevention and control efforts.
Building on our extensive private sector malaria surveillance work under the BMGF-funded GEMS project in the Greater Mekong Subregion, PSI implemented a case-based disease notification system using social media channels to overcome the limitations of paper-based and custom-built mobile reporting tools. These chatbots, accessible through popular social media platforms like Facebook Messenger and Viber, proved to be user-friendly and required minimal training, maintenance, and troubleshooting. The system was implemented in more than 550 clinics of the Sun Quality Health social franchise network as well as nearly 470 pharmacies. The captured information flows to a DHIS2 database used for real-time monitoring and analysis, enabling rapid detection of potential outbreaks. Local health authorities receive instant automated SMS notifications, enabling them to promptly perform case investigation and outbreak response.
In 2022, private clinics reported 1,440 malaria cases through the social media chatbots, while community mobilizers working with 475 private providers and community-based malaria volunteers reported more than 5,500 cases, leading to the detection of two local malaria outbreaks. Local health authorities were instantly notified, allowing them to take action to contain these surges in malaria transmission. During the same time, pharmacies referred 1,630 presumptive tuberculosis cases for confirmatory testing – a third of which were diagnosed as tuberculosis and enrolled into treatment programs.
Training health workers in Angola
By: Anya Fedorova, Country Representative, PSI Angola
The shortage of skilled health workers is widely acknowledged as a significant barrier to achieving Universal Health Coverage. To address this challenge, PSI supported ministries of health to develop a digital ecosystem that brings together stewardship, learning, and performance management (SLPM). The ecosystem enhances training, data-driven decision-making, and the efficiency of healthcare delivery.
Here’s what it looks like in practice.
In July 2020, PSI Angola, alongside the Angolan digital innovation company Appy People, launched Kassai, an eLearning platform that targets public sector health workers in Angola. Through funding from USAID and the President’s Malaria Initiatve (PMI), Kassai features 16 courses in malaria, family planning, and maternal and child health – with plans to expand learning topic areas through funding from ExxonMobil Foundation and private sector companies. A partnership with UNITEL, the largest telecommunication provider in Angola, provides all public health providers in Angola free internet access to use Kassai.
Kassai’s analytics system to follow learners’ success rate and to adjust the course content to learners’ performance and needs. Kassai analytics are integrated with DHIS2 – the Health Management Information System (HMIS) of Angolan MOH, to be able to link learners’ knowledge and performance with the health outcomes in the health facilities. The analytics track learners’ performance by course and gives visibility by health provider, health facility, municipality, and province. Each course has pre-and post-evaluation tests to track progress of learning, too.
By the end of 2022, there were 6,600 unique users on the Kassai platform and 31,000 course enrollments. PSI Angola’s partnership with UNITEL, the largest telecommunication provider in Angola, allows for free internet access to learn on the Kassai for all public health providers in Angola. Building on its success for malaria training, Kassai now also provides courses in family planning, COVID-19, and maternal and child health. This reduces training silos and provides cross-cutting benefits beyond a single disease.
Implementing the SLPM digital ecosystem brings numerous benefits to health systems. It allows for more strategic and efficient workforce training and performance management, enabling ministries of health to track changes in health workers’ knowledge, quality of care, service utilization, and health outcomes in real time. The ecosystem also supports better stewardship of mixed health systems by facilitating engagement with the private sector, aligning training programs and standards of care, and integrating private sector data into national HMIS. Furthermore, it enables the integration of community health workers into the broader health system, maximizing their impact and contribution to improving health outcomes and strengthening primary healthcare.
PSI does not tolerate retaliation or adverse employment action of any kind against anyone who in good faith reports a suspected violation or misconduct under this policy, provides information to an external investigator, a law enforcement official or agency, or assists in the investigation of a suspected violation, even if a subsequent investigation determines that no violation occurred, provided the employee report is made in good faith and with reasonable belief in its accuracy.
PSI’s code sets out our basic expectations for conduct that is legal, honest, fair, transparent, ethical, honorable, and respectful. It is designed to guide the conduct of all PSI employees—regardless of location, function, or position—on ethical issues they face during the normal course of business. We also expect that our vendors, suppliers, and contractors will work ethically and honestly.
With overarching commitments to flexibility in our work, and greater wellbeing for our employees, we want to ensure PSI is positioned for success with a global and holistic view of talent. Under our new “work from (almost) anywhere,” or “WFAA” philosophy, we are making the necessary investments to be an employer of record in more than half of U.S. states, and consider the U.S. as one single labor market for salary purposes. Globally, we recognize the need to compete for talent everywhere; we maintain a talent center in Nairobi and a mini-hub in Abidjan. PSI also already works with our Dutch-based European partner, PSI Europe, and we’re creating a virtual talent center in the UK.
Meaningful Youth Engagement
PSI is firmly committed to the meaningful engagement of young people in our work. As signatories of the Global Consensus Statement on Meaningful Adolescent & Youth Engagement, PSI affirms that young people have a fundamental right to actively and meaningfully engage in all matters that affect their lives. PSI’s commitments aim to serve and partner with diverse young people from 10-24 years, and we have prioritized ethics and integrity in our approach. Read more about our commitments to the three core principles of respect, justice and Do No Harm in the Commitment to Ethics in Youth-Powered Design. And read more about how we are bringing our words to action in our ICPD+25 commitment, Elevating Youth Voices, Building Youth Skills for Health Design.
Zero Tolerance for Modern-Day Slavery and Human Trafficking
Since 2017, PSI has been a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact, a commitment to align strategies and operations with universal principles of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. Read about PSI’s commitment to the UN Global Compact here.
Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity
PSI does not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, marital status, genetic information, disability, protected veteran status or any other classification protected by applicable federal, state or local law. Read our full affirmative action and equal employment opportunity policy here.
Zero Tolerance for Discrimination and Harassment
PSI is committed to establishing and maintaining a work environment that fosters harmonious, productive working relationships and encourages mutual respect among team members. Read our policy against discrimination and harassment here.
PSI is committed to serving all health consumers with respect, and strives for the highest standards of ethical behavior. PSI is dedicated to complying with the letter and spirit of all laws, regulations and contractual obligations to which it is subject, and to ensuring that all funds with which it is entrusted are used to achieve maximum impact on its programs. PSI provides exceptionally strong financial, operational and program management systems to ensure rigorous internal controls are in place to prevent and detect fraud, waste and abuse and ensure compliance with the highest standards. Essential to this commitment is protecting the safety and well-being of our program consumers, including the most vulnerable, such as women and children. PSI maintains zero tolerance for child abuse, sexual abuse, or exploitative acts or threats by our employees, consultants, volunteers or anyone associated with the delivery of our programs and services, and takes seriously all complaints of misconduct brought to our attention.
Diversity and Inclusion
PSI affirms its commitment to diversity and believes that when people feel respected and included they can be more honest, collaborative and successful. We believe that everyone deserves respect and equal treatment regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, cultural background or religious beliefs. Read our commitment to diversity and inclusion here. Plus, we’ve signed the CREED Pledge for Racial and Ethnic Equity. Learn more.
We prioritize the voices of people and communities in designing programs, deliver direct-to-consumer products and information, and accelerate social and behavioral change for health impact.
Across 40+ countries, we scale digital solutions that make it easier for people to take ownership of their own health, and health systems to use resources efficiently and increase health impact.
Supporting People to be Active Agents in their Healthcare
We support health systems in shaping the policy and regulatory environment for self-care interventions and ensuring self-care is included as an essential part of healthcare services.
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Population Services International
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