Côte d’Ivoire
Country Context
Malaria prevalence is highly variable across the country, from 3% prevalence in Abidjan to over 60% prevalence in the West and Southwest Regions. Between 2016 – 2019 throughout Côte d’Ivoire, this rate increased from 155 to 230‰ in the general population and from 287 to 596.4‰ among children under 5 years old (RASS 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019). Malaria remains a major public health problem in Côte d’Ivoire with an incidence of 229 per 1000 inhabitants in the general population (RASS2021).
In the new strategic plan developed in 2019, progress has been steady particularly in prevention (acquisition of LLINs impregnated with insecticides for areas where the vector is resistant to usual insecticides, introduction of IRS, adoption of infant IPT, and creation of the interministerial vector control committee), case management, and monitoring/evaluation through the training of numerous health personnel in the public, private and community sectors.
Through the co-design workshop, the chosen PMC model includes 5 contacts of SP (graphic below): the original 3 WHO-recommended contacts for PMC plus MR at 15 months and Vitamin A at 18 months. The model is delivered through health facilities and through the ‘Strategie Avancée’ for areas more than 5km from a health facility where facility staff go out to the community with vaccines and PMC.
In Côte d’Ivoire, the Plus Project also places a strong emphasis on district-level advocacy and community engagement. Through a highly consultative and inclusive process, the PMC community engagement strategy has been developed and includes activities working with local leaders and women’s associations to share information about PMC and help encourage caregivers in the project implementation areas to go to health facilities for their routine vaccinations and PMC.