Country Context
Endemic in Benin, malaria is the leading cause of consultation (45%), hospitalization (32%) and mortality (15%) in health facilities, according to the 2021 Health Statistics Yearbook. Among infants under one year of age, the incidence is 46% for boys versus 45% for girls, with the same trends observed among children aged 1 to 5 (44% versus 42%). Malaria mortality is 85.8 per 100,000 inhabitants (11,154 deaths) in 2021, according to data from the National Health Information and Management system (NHIMS).
In Benin, the Plus Project is supporting the implementation of PMC with eight touchpoints in three initial areas in the central, western, and northern departments and will provide learnings and evidence for scale up. This model was developed during one of the first critical activities of the project: a four-day national-level Co-Design Workshop held from November 9 – 12, 2021 in Grand Popo. The workshop brought together representatives of the Benin Ministry of Health (including representative from Malaria Control, EPI, Public Health, and Health Information System); the National Council for Control of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other diseases with epidemic potential; the UN organizations WHO and UNICEF; a representative of the Benin Society of Pediatrics; Civil Society Organizations (SIAN’SON et SIDACTION); and the Zone Director for health services (Bohicon-Zogbodomey-Zakpota).
The chosen 8-contact model uses routine vaccines in the EPI system, including Vitamin A, and will be delivered through health facilities. The 8 contacts are planned at 10 weeks, 14 weeks, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months, 15 month, 18 months, and 24 months can be seen below, though currently the second dose of measles is not yet deployed in Benin. Following the Co-design, the project worked closely with the NMCP and EPI to adapt the existing data collection tools to include routine M&E indicators for PMC. The Project is collaborating closely with partners to ensure Vitamin A availability in project zones and hopes that the addition of PMC at these contacts will further incentivize caregivers to come to the health facilities for these contacts.