Sixth anniversary of Sisterhood Health Home in China

In August 2011, PSI/China and its partners celebrated the 6th anniversary of the Sisterhood Health Home (SHH).

With the support of USAID, the SHH, located in Mengzi, Honge He Prefecture, Yunnan, was launched by PSI/China in 2005. It is a physical location where female sex workers (FSWs) can access HIV prevention, care and support products and services in a safe and non-discriminating environment, and also be referred to treatment services at the local hospital. It acts as a focal point for PSI/China’s FSW targeted outreach activities into KTV lounges and other locations where FSWs congregate, and also provides a venue for training and capacity building of PSI/China’s partners in Mengzi.

Mengzi is one of the sites designated by USAID to deliver a comprehensive package of HIV prevention (CPP) interventions to those populations whose behavior puts them at most risk of contracting HIV. PSI/China collaborates with various partners to implement the SHH, including the Honghe and Mengzi Public Health Bureau (PHB), Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Mengzi Maternal Hospital. PSI/China was pleased to welcome representatives from these organizations to the 6th anniversary celebration.

With an eye on sustainability, PSI/China is working with its local partners to transition the operation of the SHH to local ownership. PSI/China is providing comprehensive organizational, financial management and technical training to the Mengzi PHB in order to build their capacity to take on full operation of the SHH by March 2012. PSI/China will continue to provide technical support on an as-needed basis after March 2012, but the day-to-day operation of the SHH will be the responsibility of the Mengzi PHB.

One SHH client said it best: “SHH is our home in Mengzi, the staff are like our sisters and the doctor (who provides weekly STI check-ups and HIV testing) is like our mother.” PSI/China looks forward to further collaboration with its local partners to continue to live up to this commitment to the FSW population in Mengzi.

SHH staff Min Daji who has already worked for PSI/China more than six years was addressing opening speech.

PSI/China Country Representative Andrew Miller presents a prize to a KTV venue owner.

PSI/China Country Representative Andrew Miller and Mengzi governmental partners cut the SHH birthday cake.

Wang Qing Wei, Mengzi CDC AIDS section chief, makes his congratulatory speech.

Read about the story of Yingzi, who works as a peer educator at SHH on pg. 19 of PSI’s 2010 Progress Report.