Word on the street is that the Caribbean has the second highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rates in the world, falling just behind sub-Saharan Africa. Millions
PSI Applauds U.S. Senate Passage of Resolution to Increase Malaria Prevention
WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 1, 2011) – On Monday, the U.S. Senate unanimously adopted a bipartisan resolution that affirms U.S. leadership in the global fight
NGO Maps and Monitors Swaziland Efforts in Fight against HIV/AIDS
Please see the latest issue of the “Healthy GIS” newsletter in which PSI’s mobile mapping survey on condom availability is featured. “Population Services International
Miss Universo Ximena Navarrete visitará Guatemala para promover que reduzcan el estigma y la discriminación hacia personas vulnerables al VIH/Sida
Como parte del Programa de USAID de Prevención Combinada en VIH para Centroamérica y México, implementado por PASMO, Miss Universo 2010, Ximena Navarrete, visitará
The report highlights an initiative in the Democratic Republic of the Congo where Population Services International (PSI) supports a free hotline to complement its
Princess Inaara Foundation Funds the Fight against Pneumonia in Myanmar
The Princess Inaara Foundation, founded by H.H. the Begum Aga Khan, in partnership with German Foundation “Ein Herz für Kinder” (A Heart for Children),
PSI Social Marketing Programs Featured at Global Non-Profit Conference
PSI (Population Services International) Joins World’s Top Social Marketers at World Conference on Achieving Positive Change through Strategic Communications, Marketing and Behavior Change (April
The 2nd World Social Marketing Conference, in Dublin April 11-12, brings together those interested in applying strategic communications, marketing and behaviour change methodology to
Zimbabwe’s TB burden The TB epidemic in Zimbabwe, like in many countries in sub-Saharan African, is largely HIV driven. Reflecting the maturation of the