Let’s Go The Distance: Investing In Partnerships For A Healthier Future

Today’s global health challenges are increasingly urgent and complex, cutting across national boundaries and traditional development silos. Think about the impact of climate change, the rise of non-communicable diseases and the crises of food and water supplies. Technology is rapidly changing how we deliver health care, while implementation is becoming more fragmented. And with traditional donors increasingly cutting costs, our ability to meet these challenges is getting harder.

Knowing where to invest time, resources and funding to have the greatest impact in this complex environment can be difficult. To inform these decisions, Devex, in partnership with PSI and PATH, conducted a survey to highlight smart investments in global health. We surveyed nearly 1,500 experts working in global health to learn what they think are the smartest investments — or “best buys” — to achieve our public health goals.

Read the full story on Devex.