Sekwata campaign starts

The Botswana Defense Force (BDF) in collaboration with Population Services International (PSI) has launched an integrated HIV/AIDS prevention campaign.

According to a news release from PSI, the campaign is aimed at reducing HIV incidence and other sexually transmitted diseases amongst members of the BDF and their families.

The Sekwata campaign also aims to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS on the BDF and civilian communities, states the release.
It further says the 2013 campaign will emphasize an integrated prevention package to ensure a comprehensive approach to the reduction of HIV/AIDS, with a focus on three key areas such as Safe Male Circumcision (SMC), HIV Counseling and Testing (HCT), and consistent and correct condom use.

The campaign will run from May to August 2013 and will be rolled out in 10 BDF camps across the country.

The release also states the objectives of the campaign as to encourage BDF personnel to seek SMC and HCT services, and promote correct and consistent condom use in conjunction with the distribution of Sekwata military branded condoms in camps.

For SMC in particular, critical information will be disseminated and discussed such as the benefits of SMC, and what men can expect during and after the operation, states the release.

The release says the BDF commander Lt. Gen. Gaolathe Galebotswe, was quoted as saying “This campaign must be recognized as a sign for our re-affirmation and commitment to educate ourselves not only at the institutional level but also at the national and global levels of fighting the spread of HIV/AIDS.”

He also encouraged members of the BDF and the public to use Sekwata condoms and not view the condoms as tools for perpetuating immorality and promiscuity, but to look at them as a resource that could be used to unravel a significant number of social problems facing the society today.

It states that PSI has been working with the BDF, with funding from the United States Department of Defense since 2003 to develop multi-channel health communications campaigns targeting the specific profiles of military personnel.

This year, the key campaign communication messages will focus on encouraging military men to support and encourage each other to circumcise, to value and understand the long-term benefits of circumcision over short-term minimal pain, states the release.

Read the story on the Botswana Daily News website.