I realize there is a tremendous road
we have to travel to make sure that
all people – especially children under
five – live healthy and productive lives…
– Mandy Moore
Three million insecticide treated bed nets to be delivered across the region
May 18, 2009, WASHINGTON, DC — Singer, songwriter and actress Mandy Moore joined PSI in Southern Sudan to launch a large scale malaria prevention campaign across the region. With funding from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, PSI will provide malaria protection to millions in the region through net distributions and targeted communications.
On her first trip as a PSI Ambassador supporting its child survival program, Five and Alive, Mandy Moore helped launch a mass distribution of three million insecticide treated mosquito nets to children suffering from malaria and other diseases.
Handing over the first of those nets was a truly humbling experience. I realize there is a tremendous road we have to travel to make sure that all people – especially children under five – live healthy and productive lives, and I could not be more grateful to the people of Sudan and to PSI and Five and Alive for giving me the chance to do my part.
– Mandy Moore
In partnership with the Southern Sudanese Ministry of Health and with funding from the Global Fund, PSI will distribute the three million nets over the next several months to families throughout the 10 provinces of Southern Sudan. The initiative will ensure that millions of critically ill patients, pregnant women and newborn babies are protected from the deadly disease. In addition, PSI will target communication efforts towards pregnant women and children under five to guarantee correct and consistent use among the region’s most at-risk populations.
Insecticide treated mosquito nets are one of the most effective ways to prevent malaria transmission. Studies show that high coverage and regular use can reduce all-cause mortality rates in children under age five by nearly 20 percent.
Across Africa, malaria deaths are dropping dramatically thanks to the mass distribution of bed nets. PSI’s campaign in southern Sudan is extending this relief into one of the longest suffering regions of Africa. These nets will save thousands of lives each year.
– Dr. Michel Kazatchkine, Executive Director of the Global Fund
Malaria – a preventable and treatable mosquito-borne disease – kills nearly one million people globally every year. The majority of those deaths are among young children in sub-Saharan Africa. In Southern Sudan where access to medical care is especially scarce, it is the leading cause of death.
The current malaria control campaign is part of the Ministry of Health’s larger commitment to achieving the World Health Assembly’s target of more than 80 percent coverage of this key intervention by 2010. As Southern Sudan emerges from years of civil war and strife, leading officials and public health leaders recognize the need to prevent and control the impact of this disease, to ensure that all Sudanese have the chance to live longer and healthier lives.