The female condom is the only woman-initiated contraceptive that offers triple protection against unintended pregnancy, HIV, and other sexually transmitted infections. Under the USAID-funded Expanding Effective Contraceptive Options (EECO) project, WCG Cares launched the Woman’s Condom in Malawi under the brand name Whisper. EECO partner Population Services International (PSI) led a marketing campaign for potential users while WCG led a medical detailing program for providers. Medical detailers visited providers to educate them on the product and address stigma and other barriers at the retail and clinic levels. From 2015 – 2018, the EECO project distributed a total of 23,400 units of Whisper in health clinics, pharmacies, kiosks, and other outlets in Malawi. This case study highlights the EECO strategy and lessons learned from the Whisper medical detailing program.
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