By D’Arcy Williams, Intern, Population Services International
In case you missed all the red, Tuesday was #WorldAIDSDay. Over the last 10 years, significant global progress has been made through enormous growth of HIV treatment and a decline in the overall HIV rate. There was much to celebrate, but more work to be done. To raise awareness, the Obelisco de Buenos Aires stood erect sheathed in a red condom of fitting proportions. To get the undiagnosed diagnosed, PSI and UNITAID launched the largest effort to catalyze HIV Self-Testing in Africa yet. Find out how others in the global health community are working to end this epidemic below.
Ours is a history in which the world worked together to make a miracle happen. WATCH: #AIDSFreeGen #WAD2015
— UNICEF (@UNICEF) November 27, 2015
Today, we ride (RED). — Uber (@Uber) December 1, 2015
A simple 3 step test to determine one’s #HIV status: #HIVSelfTest
— PSI (@PSIimpact) December 3, 2015
“Today, more are receiving life-saving treatment 4 #HIV than ever before” – @POTUS #WorldAIDSDay 2015 proclamation: — USAID Global Health (@USAIDGH) December 3, 2015
Sage words from @PSIimpact‘s Nina Hasen – Hitting the Reset Button with HIV – via @PSIimpact
— Marshall Stowell (@MarshallPSI) December 3, 2015
@UNITAID @PSIimpact @WHO @ghirnschall launch of #HIVselftest featured #ICASA2015 #WorldAIDSDay — Cheryl Case Johnson (@ccasejohn) December 1, 2015
A condom can save your life #WorldAIDSDay #BuenosAires #Obelisco
— Blanca Torrico (@BlancheTorrico) December 1, 2015
Kissing doesn’t spread HIV. The Soho Square Kissing Booth says #rethinkhiv @NAT_AIDS_Trust @SinkThePinkLDN — Attitude (@AttitudeMag) December 1, 2015
Over the last 5 years in #Africa, 10m men have undergone voluntary medical circumcision. That reduces their risk of acquiring #HIV by 60%
— WHO (@WHO) December 1, 2015